Home Relativistische Vielweltentheorie
Beispiel: Einbeziehung nichtmetrischer GrößenLovelock-Tensoren
Einige Variationsergebnisse Einige Lösungen
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Multi-world suitable theory of general relativity

Every finite dimensional world is embedded in an infinite dimensional world. In this infinite-dimensional world, other worlds exist orthogonally to every finite-dimensional world. All of these worlds are self-contained. There is no interaction between these worlds. Enclosed spaces, which represent their own independent dimension range for themselves, can also be part of a higher-dimensional space and represent a stable system in this space! These systems can represent elementary particles! Time is connected with further dimensions, which represent a temporal closed system for themselves. This system is linked to a spatial system that is also a closed system for itself. The temporal system with its additional dimensions can produce additional fields of interaction in the spatial system! Such an interaction field can represent the electromagnetic field!

In the following are coordinates, the metric tensor, and the curvature tensor. The following tensors are called Lovelock-tensors:


These tensors are divergence-free, so that these tensors represents conserved quantities. With these tensors it is possible to set up relativistic field equations of gravitation:


On the condition, that , we get a field equation, which is many-worlds-suitable:


This many-worlds-suitability is possible under the condition, that the metric tensor can be divided at least into two subareas, so that and is, with . Whereby the indices are simple primed for the one subarea, and are double primed for the other subarea. With this we get from the field-equation (3):


There are solutions for the field equation (3) which are singularity-free, and contains the Schwarzschild-metric as a borderline case. See for this: Einige Lösungen (Some solutions)

Home Relativistische Vielweltentheorie
Beispiel: Einbeziehung nichtmetrischer GrößenLovelock-Tensoren
Einige Variationsergebnisse Einige Lösungen
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